
Pollacappul Lough, Renvyle, Ireland

Monday, 24 October 2016

Hello my friends. Let start the new today's lesson with Liliane.

Using Reading Texts in CLIL-Interacting Language Skills 2

A. Discussion
B. Lesson 1 (Song)
C. Lesson 2 - Podcast
D. Lesson 3 - Song II

Can wildlife adapt to climate change? - Erin Eastwood

this is the link of today lesson


  1. Wow Carmelo what a rich blog!! Pictures, comments on the lessons, you are really doing a great job!! We will be speaking just English when you come back to school!
    Did you have a test yet?
    But ......I don't see pictures of beer glasses, I can't believe there is only school!
    A big hug! R

  2. Thank you very much Roberta for your comment. Yes, when I'll come back to school, I'll not understend you, if you speak to me in italian. ;-))
    About beer, it's better to drink it, that sends photos. ;-)
